Welcome to D T Quilts!

This blog will chronicle my quilting experiences. I have been sewing since my grandmother taught me to as a child. I loved it even then. I began quilting in 2004 to make a quilt of my daughter's school uniforms. Check out the Lauren's Sacred Heart Quilt page. I fell in love with quilting and have not stopped since. I belong to several great quilt guilds. Happy Quilting!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Design Wall Monday- August 30, 2010

I had a significant amount of fabric left over from the Christmas quilt I made for  my bed.  That's what you get when you buy fabric not knowing what you are going to do with it.  So, since I was short 1 fabric and had to order more (thankfully I was able to find it at 2 shops on clearance), I ordered enough of complimentary fabrics to make a Christmas lap quilt.  These are the blocks.  The pattern is Baby, It's You! by Fancy Girl Designs- Debbie Frank of The Quilting Niche. 


  1. Those are so cute! Can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  2. The blocks are wonderful. It is going to be a fabulous quilt.

  3. Green and red are always so pretty! I made a quilt of Alex Anderson's that has an alternate snowball block and forms interlocking rings. Mine is red, green, and cream too but not Christmasy.

  4. I would not have thought to use teal for the tiny sashing, but it works! Looks like it will be a lovely quilt.

  5. Oh- that's not teal in the sashing- that's the cutting mat I placed the strips on to take the picture. I don't have a true design wall.

  6. So Cool -- I hope Debbie sees your project! She is such a great designer and you have picked the perfect fabric.

  7. Looks great! It will be a fabulous quilt for the Christmas Holidays.

  8. It's it funny that you have leftovers to use up and then you end up ordering more!?!? Cool blocks!
