Finishing up a Peaches and Cream quilt for an auction. That helped use some stash this week but I also bought fabric for borders and backing for it. But, I shopped and bought purple, green and gold fabric to go with the Mardi Gras colored fabric I bought in NYC last week. Also, used fabric from stash for a quilt back for my red Kaffe Fassett quilt.
Used this Week: 11.5 yards
Used year to Date: 11.5 yards
Added this Week: 15 yards
Added Year to Date: 20 yards
Net Used for 2010: +8.5 yards
This week I'll use stash for 2 baby girl quilts. That is if I have time between jury duty!
Since I am off of work during the summer, I've set some pretty aggressive goals for my quilt projects. But, my 2010 New Years resolution was to quilt more for myself instead of for others! After these, the remainder of my summer quilting projects are for me.